Marching Band

The marching band entity of SOTOGAB performs at all home football games, select away football games, and NCAA Bowl appearances. Occasionally, SOTOGAB will perform in exhibition at high school marching band competitions, most notably, the Bands of America Winston-Salem Regional at BB&T Field.
SOTOGAB is the heart and soul of the Demon Deacon cheering section and works hard every week to provide the finest example of Demon Deacon pride. With more than one hundred years of tradition, SOTOGAB comprises of students from around the world and from nearly every major field of study.
Auditions are not required in order to participate in SOTOGAB. We encourage all students with any level of musical background to participate. SOTOGAB is a highly visible performing ensemble and as such, attendance at all rehearsals and performances is required. SOTOGAB rehearsals are normally only 4 hours per week (2 hours each Tuesday and Thursday) in addition to pre-game rehearsal prior to kick-off at home football games.